Management of Concession Acts

Provide to your client more tranquility to comply with the Drawback program!

Balance Control

Balance control of imported and exported items.

Automatic Queries

Automatic queries of all information of Concession Acts.

Expirations Warnings

Expiration warnings of the acts and limits of the imports/exports to be reached.
The e.Mix DrawbackNet service has existed since 2012 to perform in a most agile manner the queries and the follow-up of the Concessions Acts of Integrated Suspension mode in the WEB environment (DrawbackWeb).

Integrated Suspension Mode

Tranquility to comply with the Drawback program.


Facility in visualizing DUE/DI/LI and invoices.


Customized reports in a more agile manner.

Productivity, Control and Management

Drastically reduce the time spent on queries to the DrawbackWeb;
Fast access to the changes performed in the Concession Acts;
Control of many acts of different CNPJ (Value Added Tax Identification Number), simultaneously;
Reports customizations and notifications on the progress of the acts, allowing a more agile action and anticipating the need to create additives to the Concession Act;
Avoid penalties for the non-compliance with the commitment when creating the Concession Act;
Web service, exempting the installations in stations and servers.
Facility in visualizing DUE/DI/LI and invoices information available on the DB Web site.

Request a Demonstration

Fill out the form to request a demonstration of the DrawbackNet service and know the benefits that it offers.

E.Mix has been in the software development market since 1998. It is a company with innovative solutions in technology to broaden specific results in the short and medium term and to create differential for their customers. Annually our service manages millions of customer operations of the widest range and size.To know the e.Mix profile is of the utmost importance because the company is not about the walls but about the people who work for it

The behavior, posture and attitude of each professional are in truth what builds the e.Mix profile. In line with our virtuous values, our team works focusing on the customer, its needs and the constant demands of the market. We conduct our projects with pleasure and joy, dedicating every effort to achieve the customer and partner loyalty. We are in this because above all we like, respect and valorize what we do.

"In 1998 we started a dream. A dream born out of a commitment to our customers, our desire to innovate and to always offer the best solutions! We created our values as a team and they represent what we want to achieve to be not only the best company but a unique company that understands and serves the customer with the love and respect it deserves!"

Intent e.Mix

"Contribute to the business success with innovative solutions, transforming lives and strengthening relationships"

Focus e.Mix

"People connected in search of innovative solutions in technology with excellent results, valuing the true, long-lasting human relationship"

Our Services

Nossos serviços oferecem um grande diferencial competitivo otimizando o trabalho desenvolvido por sua empresa a seus clientes.
Rua Barão de Jaguara, 707, 3º Andar, Centro - Campinas/SP
1997 - 2025 |
e.Mix - Todos os direitos reservados |
Desenvolvido por: DLS/ Comunicação